Using one of his inventions -- a boat that can shift into an automatic hydrofoil ship -- Jean successfully makes another escape from the Grandis gang, who are pursuing the pair in their multi-purpose tank, the Gratan. He takes Nadia to his aunt's house in Le Havre, but his grumpy, dour Auntie refuses to take Nadia in. Jean decides to take Nadia to his workshop in Le Havre, and she spends the night there. All the while, Jean learns from Nadia that she wishes to return to the country where she was born. Unfortunately, she has no idea where it is, but her pet lion King suspects it might be in Africa. Jean decides to take Nadia there himself using his all-new aircraft, and they make yet another escape from the Grandis gang. They do not get far, however, when the plane engine falters and the crafts plummets into the ocean.